My Matron Goddesses


This major Welsh Goddess is the Goddess of reincarnation, the Wheel of the Year, the full moon, fertility and a primal figure of female power. She is sometimes dipicted as a weaver, which links her to lost creation myths and to magickal practice, sometimes called "weaving a spell." Arianrhod can be invoked to help in finding your own feminine powers, spirit contact, sex and fertility magick, past life knowledge and handfasting rites.


Brigit represents the supernal mother, fertility, and creative inspiration. She has also been worshiped as a warrioress and protectress, a healer, a guardian of children, a slayer of serpents, a sovereign and a Goddess of fire and the sun. Still other sources say she was the Goddess of agriculture, animal husbandry, medicine, crafting and music. Brigit can aid you in virtually any endeavor you wish to undertake.


Cerridwen is a sow Goddess, famous for her great cauldron of knowledge. She is also a moon and grain deity with many crone and mother attributes. She is often equated with the famous Greek crone, Hecate, and to the Irish Badb. She is also sometimes related to the Greek Muses, only in a mor violent and dark form. Invoke her during harvest rites, in all spells for wisdom and knowledge, and at waning moon festivals. She can also teach us about past lives and in divination.


A member of the race known as the Partholans who were among the first to occupy Ireland, she is considered to be the first ruler of Ireland. She was probably once a well known pre-Celtic mother Goddess figure like Dana. Since native myths say Ireland was spared the ravages of this world-wide flood, Cessair was possibly seen as a water deity who had the power to save Ireland from flooding. Cultivate Cessair for her powers of strength, perseverance, leadership, and foresight. Honor her as a deity of new beginnings.


The daughter of the sea God Lyr. She is another May Queen Goddess over whom two men must fight, and one die, in order for the fertility of the land to survive. It is believed most of her oral legends have been lost. Invoke her for strength and will.


She is hailed as a Goddess of earthly pleasure by her followers. Archetypally she can be viewed as a mother Goddess cradling the reborn infant of the Old Religion, and as a rebel against patriarchy and its new rules. Dahud can teach us to have pleasure without guilt. When persecution strikes, call on her for courage to maintain your Pagan lifestyle and fight for the right to practice it openly as you please. Summon her presence to aid with water magick, sex magick, or sea faery contact.


A Goddess of poetry who may also have been a bard. Female bards were known, but most of their legends have been lost. Invoke Eadon to open your own creative channels.


She is a Triple Goddess made up of three crone Goddesses if war, battle, death, and destruction. They were Badb, Macha, and Nemain, Their collective name means "the phantom queen." The Morrigan often flew shrieking over battlefields in the forms of carrion crows or ravens, calling up the slain soldiers. The Morrigan are a powerful force which most prefer to seperate and work with one-on-one. Call on them for Passing Over rituals, or to help you overcome your enemies. They are also a potent force for waning moon and banishing magick. HOWEVER, be CAUTIONED that their collective energy can turn VIOLENT!


She is the Goddess of death and disease who is often equated with the Greek crone Goddess Hecate. As the crone image began to deteriorate in Europe with the coming of the Church, she became a Goddess of "the witches" and of evil. In the past few hundred years the Queen of Elphame has been seen as a Scottish faery queen and associated with Bealtain. Respectfully harness her powerful energy as you would any crone's. Also call upon her as May Queen and for aid in faery contact.

NOTE:The information contained here and on the Gods page were obtained from the book "Celtic Myth & Magick" by Edain McCoy. Please be sure to read the book it is very informative. You can get to the Gods page of my BOS by clicking the next button.

Blessed Be!

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