Welcome to Lady's Musings!
Here you will find my poetry, pictures, thoughts, rants, ...etc. You may also email me with questions on magick and paganism and I will answer them on this page. Blessed Be and don't forget to sign the guest book located on the home page.
 Nate at 16 |
 Adrian at 13 |
 Dragon by Adrian at 12 |
 My grand daughter, Lauren on her tricycle, 2014 |
 Adrian at 23, 2008 |
 Nathan and the snake. 2014 |
 Me and my boys,2006 |
 My grandson Tyler, Halloween, 2006 |
 My baby Karma, 2008 |
The above pictures are of my family and I love them more than anything in this world.
Highway of Love
I travel the highway of love, Searching for the perfect one, But all I find is pain, And realize I am still alone.
The pain of loneliness, Is so hard to bare, No one knows how it feels, Unless they have been there.
I carry my heart, Like Jesus carried the cross, Down the highway of love, To a world of pain and loss.
The promise of love lies dying, Like a whale upon the beach, And dreams of true love, Remain just beyond my reach.
I'll keep traveling that highway, In search of love's caress, Even though all I find, Is the kiss of loneliness.
Juanita L Hester
Copyright ©2006 Juanita L Hester
Betrayal and Hope
Beaten and fallen, unable to stand I cry out for you and reach for your hand But you just smiled, turned and walked away Leaving me to die where I lay.
Filled with pain, hurt and sorrow I wondered if I would see tomorrow. I think back far into the past To a time when I thought our love would last.
He promised to love and cherish me But love is blind and I didn't see The monster he hid within his heart Silently waiting to tear us apart.
As the darkness begins to fall I hear my children in the hall Please mommy, please don't go We need you here to watch us grow.
They were so little and all alone Who would protect them when I'm gone? I knew I had to make things right I wouldn't let death take me tonight.
Juanita Hester
Copyright ©2006 Juanita L Hester
Love is like a fire, That rages through my soul, There is no putting it out, It burns out of control.
My love for you knows no bounds, It flows like a river of fire, Overflowing the banks of my heart, And rising even higher.
The glow from the flames, Lights up the darkness in my soul, And burns away the loneliness, That had taken hold.
You are the flame, That burns within my heart, Its a love that no one, Can tear apart.
Juanita L Hester
Copyright ©2006 Juanita L Hester
The Night awaits me, As I rise from sleep, I greet the darkness, With a hunger that runs deep.
I lust for the hunt, And I savor the kill, The blood fills my mouth, And I swallow at will.
As dawn grows near, I return to my secret place, I crawl into my coffin, So the light never touches my face.
I shall live forever, And darkness is my empire, For the life I live, Is that of the Vampire.
Juanita Hester
Copyright ©2006 Juanita Hester
Copyright © 2014 J.L. Hester aka Lady Darkana Ravensong. All Rights Reserved.
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